20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
Have sex a lot, will the semen really weaken?
There is still a belief in the frequency of various relationships. Some people still believe that having sex too often makes the semen weak and unhealthy, but the more diligent it is, the more diligent it is. The easier it is to get pregnant.
Studies have shown that having sex every day. There is a maximum chance of 37% per menstrual cycle while having sex every other day. The chance of conceiving is slightly reduced to 33% and the chance of conceiving is reduced to 15% per menstrual cycle if having sex once a week.
In order not to have sex put too much pressure or stress on the partner. Therefore it is advisable to have sex every other day or 2-3 days a week is sufficient. This is partly due to the principle that healthy sperm can wait for an egg in the fallopian tube for up to two to three days, while a female’s egg has a fertilization period of up to 24 hours.
The belief that having too much to do with each other causes semen to decline or become unhealthy is the opposite. The best sperm quality and quantity study was found in the after spermatozoa who had abstained from ejaculation for no more than 2-3 days and when the ejaculation abstained for a longer period of time.
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020