20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
27 May 2020
Getting a baby is all about right timing when sperm and ova will meet and fertilization take place. Monitoring and tracking your monthly periods is one way which one can become familiar with the body fertility, most women undergo 28- day cycle, during this cycle women have only 6 days when they can get a baby that is during ovulation and 5 days before ovulation. To figure it out every woman need to chart her menstrual cycle and record how long it lasts, once you have the average days, subtract 18 days from the length of shortest cycle and 11 days from the longest cycle for this are the most fertile days and sex during this days gives one the best shot of getting a baby.
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020
20 December 2020